Halloween,  Holidays

Easy DIY Cauldron

In 2020, we randomly discovered that you could float balloons in a circle over the hepa filter. I made the stray comment that it would be funny to hide one in a cauldron at Halloween. Whoops! In 2022, a certain child remembered that comment from TWO YEARS previously. So, of course, we had to make a cauldron big enough to do it!

Here are some of the items we used:

*a big toy bucket with rope handles (Someone trashed it in 2021 and I rescued it from the curb and turned it into a giant spider, but that’s a story for another day.)

*black spray paint–make sure it’s a brand that sticks to plastic and does well with foam

*a foam pool noodle


*gorilla/e6000 glue

I also used my Ikea drill to make a hole big enough for the Hepa filter’s cord to go out the bottom of the cauldron!

This is how we made it:

And, yes, we truly did enjoy floating balloons in it! 🙂

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